so its a sunday night and i have been sorta locking in on some things but there are certainly areas i could improve on such as the health of my eyes skull and myself in general. cause my eyes have been usually pretty sore this week and i in general have been in a state of lightheadedness and potentially fever/flu since tuesday. but i think it's getting slightly better now? so at least thats good
anyways we've now well and truly stepped out of ib with the completion of CAS
1-college applications
so firstly we've like moved on from the film unit in english to the collegeapp unit which basically entails working on our recommendation stuff and both a practice essay prompt and other real prompts if we have time in class. i was kind of hyped and i still am for the classtime we get to work on these but honestly i dislike how everyone talks so much during this time like isn't it supposed to be like a .. self reflective process, essay writing? oh well...
not that i dislike it but the amount of tea that's being shipped around at my table during english is quite impressive. i had no clue people's lives were so complicated...
either way ive started to think about like researching stuffs about colleges so that i could finalise a list probably... as i've mentioned before its mostly trying to iron out the matches and safeties so i wont be repeting the other stuff here now. here's to hoping the system of sheets that i made will actually be of some help!
2-competitive stem olympiads
as biocamp drags on and the other camps begin, i continue trudging along re: atkins...
3-formula 1
apparently ferrari cto enrico cardille has had an offer from aston martin, maybe as a reaction to the rumours of newey joining ferrari...
also it's been not great seeing all the ocon cyberbullying cus he's been the faster driver but he looks like he's set to leave so whatever... although i would've loved to see doohan race in canada it is just seriously not ok to bench a driver
otherwise not much to talk about this week in f1... oh i should make driver transfer predictions during the next empty week (after canada, in 2 weeks) although by that time surely something has happened already...
4-other sports
real madrid no.16 loading...
i watched my first live indycar race today! it was quite interesting and i decided to tune in bc theo pourchaire qualified p7. in general i think im a theo / mcl fan now in indy and its quite nice.
holy heck that was a hectic race--shades of imola 2021, my first live f1 race watch--what with the rain, crashes, safety car interruptions and epic racing towards the end. i actually really like the indycar viewing experience, esp cause fuel and tyres are both strategic concerns here, i rate it a 8.5/10 definitely will watch road america if it doesn't like coincide with canada terribly.
damn i have been spending some big time on games this week which is unfortunate... i am starting to get back into world top 10%/5%s on leaderboards and doing better in multiplayer, honestly the strat is to just use the corvette and not waste time on other cars cus even if i gain rating it's not worth the time commitment honestly. im here to prove my pace and not spend time playing the game cus with the other cars its honestly not that fun struggling around. also hopefully i can play some club clash soon some time :(
in terms of brawl stars, i found an absolutely crazy duo partner today and gained like 90 rating i lost for cordelius in the space of 30 minutes which is awesome but yeah not been spending like >2 hrs a day which is an improvement over last week skull
i beat geogridgame:
also did my first squaredle today it was fun but i can't be spending this much time on it next time LOL
6-school stuffs/clubs
so we had math club endofyear party on tuesday and it was actually so fun cause i didn't do too well on the ftw section (i choke under pressure as always) but i did do decent on buzzing cause im actually quite decent at planking and i was more dialed into buzzing kind of
either way it was cool to have all the sophomore math kids together LOL
i was like peak sickness during ipc elections but i think i delivered the ending rap fine (credits to aryan naik) and i impromptued the sciclub speech decently hopefully as naik delivered another fire rap for his speech and had everyone absolutely captivated
7-science bowl
8-science olympiad
election results tmrw
9-tay / other music
i love minnz piano like fr
Peter is so good
i should stop getting sick skull okay i need to work on like notes and shit OH HELP I DIDNT REVIEW FOR THE FRENCH QUIZ WTF AHFWVUEBHDJF2EUIWGVHKJFNVUQOEVOQIBMEIJ8139W9QRI10I42V
ok cya next week hopefully on saturday LOL
EDIT (2 june):
daniel squardle arc 😬😰